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ADAU erməni terroru barədə partnyor universitetlərə və təşkilatlara məktub göndərir

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  • 17-10-2020, 19:36

    Gəncə şəhərində yerləşən Azərbaycan Dövlət Aqrar Universiteti (ADAU) erməni terroru, Ermənistan tərəfindən beynəlxalq hüququn norma və prinsiplərinin, eləcə də elan olunmuş humanitar atəşkəsin kobud şəkildə pozulmasını, dinc insanların məqsədli şəkildə öldürülməsini, cümlədən Azərbaycanın ikinci böyük şəhəri olan və cəbhə xəttindən çox uzaqda yerləşən Gəncə şəhərinə sayca üçüncü dəhşətli hücumunu özündə ehtiva edən məktubu ingilis dilində partnyor universtetlərə, təşkilatlara, habelə beynəlxalq gənclər təşkilatlarına göndərməkdə davam edir.

    Məktub əlavə olunur.


    Anar HƏTƏMOV

    Tədris işləri üzrə prorektor, i.f.d, dosent

    Azərbaycan Dövlət Aqrar Universiteti (ADAU)

    450, Atatürk prospekti, Gəncə şəhəri, Azərbaycan

    Mob.: +994553656621

    İş tel./faks:+994222660353


    King regards,

    Anar HATAMOV

    Ph.D., Associate Professor of Economics

    Vice Rector for Academic Affairs

    Azerbaijan State Agricultural University (ADAU)

    450, Ataturk Avenue, Ganja city, Azerbaijan

    Cell phone: +994553656621

    Office phone/fax:+994222660353


    TO THE PARTNERS OF AZERBAIJAN STATE AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY DEAR PARTNERS, FRIENDS! On September 27 of 2020, the armed forces of the Republic of Armenia carried out large-scale operations, while subjecting to intensive shelling the positions of the Azerbaijani army as well as settlements not only along the line of contact, but also far beyond the frontline, targeting densely populated residential areas and critical infrastructure. In light of the current developments in Nagorno-Karabakh and seven adjacent occupied territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and taking into account a deliberate campaign that spearheads misinformation, we would like to bring to your attention succinct information about the conflict in retrospect and on the current circumstances that are under way. Bypassing historical details on the onset of the conflict, the Republic of Armenia, taking advantage of the political unrest upon the collapse of the USSR, launched an unprecedented attack against Azerbaijanis residing in and around Nagorno-Karabakh at the end of 1991 as a result of which 20 percent of the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, namely Nagorno-Karabakh and seven adjacent regions were occupied in violation of the fundamental norms and principles of international law and the UN Charter. All the legal documents by the international organizations adopted since then, in particular the UN Security Council resolutions (822, 853, 874, 884), firmly reiterate resolution of the conflict based on the principles of territorial integrity, sovereignty and inviolability of the borders of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In the last 27 years, the Republic of Armenia has tried in every possible way to disrupt the negotiation process, to maintain the current status-quo based on the occupation of the internationally recognized territories of Azerbaijan. Armenia's political and military aggression continued in 2017, as well. The armed forces of the Republic of Armenia fired at the positions of the Azerbaijani troops and settlements along the entire line of contact with heavy artillery. As a result of which two civilians were killed, one person was seriously wounded on July 4 of 2017. In 2020, Armenia carried out numerous military operations against Azerbaijan. On July 12, Armenian armed forces attacked settlements and military positions in Tovuz region, far from the conflict zone, on the Armenia-Azerbaijan border. Four Azerbaijani servicemen and a 76-year-old villager were killed. On September 27, 2020, Armenia launched an unprecedented attack to military personnel and residential areas. Armed forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan had to carry out counter-offensive operations in order to protect the civilians and its territories. Despite the humanitarian ceasefire agreed upon on October 10 in Moscow between Azerbaijan and Armenia with the mediation of the Russian Federation, Armenian armed forces continue their attacks, in line with their policy of violation of the ceasefire agreement since 1994. From the onset of the renewed aggression up to now, the armed forces of the Republic of Armenia have been continuously shelling residential areas and critical infrastructure of the Republic of Azerbaijan outside the conflict zone from heavy artillery and mid-range ballistic missiles, even reached 500 km away Baku. As a result of the attacks, 45 civilians were killed and 207 people were injured, 148 civilian objects and 1185 residential buildings were rendered unusable, 39 schools were destroyed and damaged. Amongst the victims of targeted aggression against civilians are a 14-year old Fidan Gurbanova and a 13-year old Shahriyar Gurbanov from Naftalan who were killed as a result of the missile attack that hit their home and perished the entire family of 5 people and a 14-year old Farid Isgendarov from Aghjabady who was killed as a consequence of artillery shelling. On October 11, amid a missile attack to the second largest city of Azerbaijan, Ganja (100 km away from the frontline), at the midst of night hitting four residential buildings, 10 civilians were killed and 66 were injured, out of whom 15 are schoolchildren. In light of deliberate attacks by the Armenian side at civilian buildings, classes were rescheduled that affect 1221 educational institutions encompassing 340.000 schoolchildren, including in cities and regions far from the contact line. On the night of 17 October, 2020 around 1 am the armed forces of Armenia attacked the Ganja city of Azerbaijan with ballistic missiles. This, third in a row atrocious attack on the second biggest city of Azerbaijan, since the new aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan, situated far away from the frontline caused serious civilian casualties; more than 13 civilians, including 2 minors killed, more than 40 people injured. The political-military leadership of Armenia, using terror as the state policy, bear responsibility for giving an order on the rocket shelling the peaceful population. The Republic of Azerbaijan, as a responsible member of the world community, is committed to the principles of peaceful coexistence and adheres to human dignity of all people living in the region. Our consistent and principled position of adherence to the peace negotiations for the last 27 years is a vivid proof of this statement. Peace and stability in the region requires the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan be resolved in accordance with the norms and principles of the international law, namely territorial integrity, sovereignty and inviolability of internationally recognized borders, as reflected in the UN SC Resolutions 822, 853, 874 and 884. We urge you to condemn the aggression against civilians who have been deprived of their right to life and education, which are underlying UN-backed principles. Thanks for time and sharing this information! Respectfully, Prof. Ibrahim JAFAROV Rector of Azerbaijan State Agricultural University The Republic of Azerbaijan Ganja city, Ataturk avenue 450 Tel: +99422 2665733 Fax:+99422 2660667 E-mail:;

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